Saturday, February 16, 2013

12 Ways to Know If You Are a Leader

12 Ways to Know If You Are a Leader

You’ve heard it at conferences. You’ve read it in books. Everyone is a leader. Do you believe this? I don’t.
A Group of Business People in a Meeting - Photo courtesy of ©, Image #12479982
While everyone has the potential to be a leader, most never take up the mantle. They are content to let others take the risk and do the work.

Several years ago, I read a post by Tony Morgan called “10 Easy Ways to Know You’re Not a Leader.” I took that list, and then inverted and expanded it.
Here are twelve ways to know if you are a leader:
  1. You long to make a difference.
  2. You’re discontent and dissatisfied with the status quo.
  3. You’re not waiting on a bigger staff or more resources to accomplish your vision.
  4. Your dreams are so big they seem impossible.
  5. You acknowledge what is but inevitably ask, “What could be?
  6. You realize that you don’t have to be in charge to have significant influence.
  7. You refuse to blame others for your circumstances and take responsibility for finding solutions.
  8. You foster unity by bringing people together and encouraging dialogue.
  9. You are quick to say, “I messed up. Here’s what I am going to do to fix the problem I created.”
  10. You value relationships more than tasks.
  11. You walk your talk—not perfectly but sincerely and intentionally.
  12. You are a learner. You read, listen to podcasts, attend conferences, and ask other leaders lots of questions.
If this sounds like you, congratulations. You are a leader—or well on your way to becoming one. Leadership is not about experience, education, or talent. It’s about the choosing to lead. That’s where it begins.
Question: How else can you know if you are a leader?


Showing 100 of 161 comments

  • Joe Abraham, Speaker. Coach. Writer
    I agree with all these 12. Yes, it's true that all have the potential to be leaders but only some pick up the mantle. One reason for this is that they think they don't have an official leadership title. But the fact is, there are many instances where the title comes only AFTER their leadership is been revealed. A good example of this is Mahatma Gandhi.
    (Edited by author 10 months ago)

  • I agree, Joe. Leadership is influence, not a title.

  • I have found that when I take responsibility for messing up, my students do better. Life is not about perfection, but about effort.

  • I agree, Patricia. Too bad the education system and grades do not put more emphasis on effort.

  • Sia Knight, Educator, Author, National Speaker, Academic Coach and Youth Development Specialist
    Great list, very comprehensive.  The only other thing that I might add is that many great leaders are humble and unassuming; they may not have even thought of themselves as leadership material.  In fact, great leaders are sometimes "recruited" from the ranks of great followers and great team players because someone else recognized and appreciated their untapped potential.

  • Michael Hyatt, I am the author of the New York Times bestseller, Platform: Get Noticed in a Noisy World. I am also a professional blogger and public speaker and the Chairman of Thomas Nelson Publishers.
    Yes, I agree. In fact, the best way to eventually become a great leader is to be a great follower.

  • Sia, I totally agree. Although most of the above points sound like me, I never even though about being a leader myself. I am "only a small employee" and don't even want to manage staff someday. But then that just might be the difference between managers and leaders, right...?

  •  In addressing humility within leadership, John Maxwell commented that leaders don't think less of themselves. They just think of themselves less.

  • Stanley Schubert
    Sia, you are so right. When I think of a great leader Dick Winters comes to mind. (the character from Band of Brothers). The last words on the HBO series were something like this:
    "When asked by my grandson if I was a hero during the war, I said I don't know, but I served with a lot of heroes."
    If you know Dick's story he was a leader at heart and a hero throughout and yet he was humble to lift up his comrades as heroes.

  • Cyberquill, Cyberquill™ comprises one website and one employee, who also founded the company, serves as its CEO, and forms its entire board of directors. To date, Cyberquill lacks a clearly defined mission, has neither clients nor customers, offers no known products or services, and is traded on no major stock exchange. Superior functional and technical expertise in an exceptionally limited number of indeterminate areas conjoined with an unparalleled dearth of industry lore makes Cyberquill the perfect choice for [TBD].
    All I know is that I'm not crazy about being led.

  •  Then I guess your other two choices are either lead or get out of the way.  :)

  • Cyberquill, Cyberquill™ comprises one website and one employee, who also founded the company, serves as its CEO, and forms its entire board of directors. To date, Cyberquill lacks a clearly defined mission, has neither clients nor customers, offers no known products or services, and is traded on no major stock exchange. Superior functional and technical expertise in an exceptionally limited number of indeterminate areas conjoined with an unparalleled dearth of industry lore makes Cyberquill the perfect choice for [TBD].
    Exactly. Lead or figure out a way to get yourself fired. And so far, I've never ended up leading, that's for sure.

  • A leader has followers.  Some people claim to be leaders but no one is following.  It is not about the position!  I have mentioned my site a couple of times now, but I recently wrote a post that asks two questions:
    Question 1:  Are sheep without a shepherd still sheep?  Answer:  Yes.
    Question 2:  Is a shepherd without sheep still a shepherd? Answer: No.
    I use John 10 as my reference.
    (Edited by author 10 months ago)

  • Michael Hyatt, I am the author of the New York Times bestseller, Platform: Get Noticed in a Noisy World. I am also a professional blogger and public speaker and the Chairman of Thomas Nelson Publishers.
    I agree with this. Good distinction.

  • Cor Chmieleski, Faith. Leadership. Life.
    I wonder if this list might be more like the DNA that you are likely to find if you were to crack open a leader. But, I understand your point, Dave (a la Maxwell), about leadership being influence. Not everyone with the DNA translates it into great influence. I just wrote on "Taking the Michael Scott out of your leadership" ( because I've seen too many recently display poor relational intelligence. At that point, it doesn't matter how pure your passion is on several of the DNA fronts, you still need to effectively relate and inspire people to life change.

  • Jeff Randleman, husband, father, minister, writer.
    Great thoughts! Headed over to read the post now!
    (Edited by author 10 months ago)

  • Thanks Jeff.  I appreciate you checking it out.  Leadership is my passion.

  • Jimmyd
    Leaders do get deserted; sheep don't always follow and sometimes they are goats. But shepherd keeps calling the sheep until some hear and follow. It may only be a few at first. So the lack of followers does not necessarily mean you do not have the qualities to lead. Neither does it mean you are not called to lead. Sheep do get "scattered".

  • I agree.  Some people will not respond to a leader.  A leader can pull every lever they know but still some sheep will scatter.
    The issue becomes when a MAJORITY of the sheep are not following.  Is that an issue with the sheep or the leader?
    I learned that if I laid out a strategy to my team in a meeting and a week later few were implementing it as I intended, it was my fault as the communicator not all of their faults as a listener.
    I find some people in leadership positions can be too quick to blame the followers and not look inward at themselves.

  • Joe Lalonde, I write to empower others to lead better, build stronger relationships, and live a simpler life. I am available to write guest posts on a variety of topics. If you would like me to guest post on your blog, contact me and I will see if I am available.
    Sounds like I'm a leader! Woo hoo! (-=
    Here are a couple of additions to your list:
    You take others under your wing
    You give more than you get
    You join with other leaders to grow each other

  • Michael Hyatt, I am the author of the New York Times bestseller, Platform: Get Noticed in a Noisy World. I am also a professional blogger and public speaker and the Chairman of Thomas Nelson Publishers.
    Excellent additions.

  • "They are content to let others take the risk and do the work."
    Leader = good. Not a leader = bad, lazy, fearful.
    Leader = One of the most overused and malleable words of the 21st Century.

  • Jason Stambaugh, Husband, father, former fat kid, accidental techie, web and marketing strategist and founder of Wevival. Blogger at Heart Your Church.
    Point well taken. The term has been broadened so much that in many ways it has lost meaning. Now you've gotten me thinking about the impact of nearly erasing the leaders vs. follower paradigm...

  • John Richardson, Personal Development Blogger
    I would add yesterday's post on building trust to your list. If people are going to follow you, they need to know they can trust you to have their best interests in mind. There is also the concept of legacy. True leaders build those up around them to carry on generation after generation. They build an organization to outlive themselves, based on bedrock principles.

  • Thad Puckett, VP of Technology at The Karis Group - @ThadPuckett
    Best. List. Ever.
    Way too many companies/organizations waste immense talent because they don't develop leaders from within, meaning they don't attempt to develop everyone to their highest level of leadership ability.  That is a sad fact.
    The sadder fact is, however, that too many people don't realize they can develop their own leadership potential.  Instead, they remain content to do little, risk little, accomplish little.

  • Michael Hyatt, I am the author of the New York Times bestseller, Platform: Get Noticed in a Noisy World. I am also a professional blogger and public speaker and the Chairman of Thomas Nelson Publishers.
    Thanks, Thad. It sounds like an opportunity for both companies and people who should lead.

  • Love it. But how about: You are humble enough to know your job is to serve others? And, You work hard to inspire a 'shared vision'?

  • Michael Hyatt, I am the author of the New York Times bestseller, Platform: Get Noticed in a Noisy World. I am also a professional blogger and public speaker and the Chairman of Thomas Nelson Publishers.
    I like it!

  •  This is my 3rd comment referencing John Maxwell but he likens leadership to being in a race. He notes a true leader never finishes first because he's too busy inspiring and encouraging others forward. To do that as a leader, you have to wait for those who are trailing behind.

  • Ross Lampert
     Excellent addition! I'm working on rebuilding a volunteer organization's chapter's leadership team right now. This is a key question for them: "what's YOUR vision of what this chapter and leadership team can and should be?" I've added it to the questions and steps I'm going to take them through.

  • As usual, a useful list that will get added to my toolkit.  Thanks for the reminder.  The only addition I would offer is "You recognize the responsibility to serve rather than be served."
    One correction, if I may, in the title of Tony Morgan's article "10 Easy Ways to Know _YOU'RE_ a Leader".  In this day writing that is rife of grammatical errors, I don't like playing the role of policeman but believe there are some things that should be addressed.
    Thanks for a useful and thought-provoking post.

  • Michael Hyatt, I am the author of the New York Times bestseller, Platform: Get Noticed in a Noisy World. I am also a professional blogger and public speaker and the Chairman of Thomas Nelson Publishers.
    Thanks for catching that error, Roy. I have now fixed it.

  • Booksbyjanice
    I love the comments about humility (and agree that a good leader is a humble leader), but I also think that those who are driven to lead have a deep "knowing" (in their "knower") that they are born to this task. To balance that "knowing" with Christlike servanthood is the real challenge.

  • Linda Sommerville
    Yes!  I can relate to this list!
    I'm up at 4:30 a.m. reading this blog (while working on my own blog) because I'm so excited and motivated to make a difference that I literally can't sleep.
    Thankfully that's not true every night -otherwise I'd just be a burned-out insomniac.  But I think when God stirs leaders up to make a difference, it can sometimes lead to sleepless nights and a sense of urgency.  It also moves us to work with whatever resources we have, rather than waiting for the "ideal" situation.

  • Michael Hyatt, I am the author of the New York Times bestseller, Platform: Get Noticed in a Noisy World. I am also a professional blogger and public speaker and the Chairman of Thomas Nelson Publishers.
    I think this is so true. Thanks.

  •  Linda,
    I agree with your connection between a godly sense of purpose and loss of sleep. I know from past experience somewhere between two and three in the morning seemed to be when He nudged me awake and impressed upon my heart a sense of urgency and prayer.
    I wish you well in your current venture as God guides you into some sleepless nights.
    God bless,

  • Bob Hamp
    POW! Short, concise and captures the heart, mind, and motive of someone who has stepped into their leadership calling. A lot of power is conveyed in a few words. I also like that you included the role of the will: CHOOSE to lead. 

  • I agree, Bob. Life is all about the choices we make, not what happens to us.

  • Royd Tauro
    I couldn't agree more. Courage, among other things is also key. Having the ability to stand up and take a risk is what sets leaders apart from mere followers.

  • I like the list.  I would add that if people start to trickle by your office to share ideas they have or things they've been learning... even if you have no authority or decision-making power.... you might be a leader.

  • Jason Stambaugh, Husband, father, former fat kid, accidental techie, web and marketing strategist and founder of Wevival. Blogger at Heart Your Church.
    I've always felt like "leadership" finds me...

  • Kelly Combs, Christian: Writer, Speaker, Wife, Mom, Leader.
    I love that one Jason! My husband pointed out to me that I end up leading every group I join.  It "finds" me too. I think other people saw my leadership potential before I did. Now I know I am a leader.

  • Bob Schwartz
    Leaders have followers.  The list above includes admirable qualities, but it misses the obvious point that leaders have a track record of attracting others and of influencing those others to become part of an effort/project/mission.   It's not difficult to know if you are a leader.  Your life story will tell you.  Can you find examples in your past work, social, athletic or religious activities during which people have voluntarily followed your lead?

  • Michael Hyatt, I am the author of the New York Times bestseller, Platform: Get Noticed in a Noisy World. I am also a professional blogger and public speaker and the Chairman of Thomas Nelson Publishers.
    That’s an excellent point, Bob. Thanks for adding to the conversation.

  •  Bob, you and I noted the same thing. I just had my first book signing on Saturday and quite a few friends blessed me with their support. Many were church members from the church I served as pastor several years ago. I was both surprised and encouraged to see the fruit of past labors.

  • Cor Chmieleski, Faith. Leadership. Life.
    I mentioned this in a comment above too. I think this list could be termed the DNA of a leader out of which, hopefully, will spring quality influence.

  • Ms Stephanie Harrington
    I have been following Michael's blog for about half a year now and this is my first post.
    I have a question about #10: You value relationships more than tasks.
    What is a  good leadership balance between relationships and tasks?  That seems to be my muddiest area.  What are some great ways to integrate the two?  Anyone have experiences they can share?

  • Dale Melchin, CSR, Writer, Blogger, Aspiring thought leader.
    I was going to say, I notice that it doesn't say that you have a following.  In my position as a Customer Service Rep (which I've been in the position about 6 months at this point) since day one I've done my best to lead in terms of the way I dress, and the attitude that I carry toward our company, (I don't mention the company's name because I don't wish to get into trouble) our customers and the job in general, including our metrics.  I've always said that if  I were a general I would lead the battle from the front, not the back, and I am attempting to do this now even though I'm just a rank and file employee.
    I find it to be sad how people who've had more tenure (at least on my team) seem to have such a jaded attitude toward the team manager, the company, and our customers.  Whenever, I've tried to teach others its not what happens to you it is how you respond to it they just kinda snort and roll their eyes.
    Don't get me wrong, I get along with everyone at my job, I don't have any persecutors, but my coworkers are just... jaded.

  • Michael Hyatt, I am the author of the New York Times bestseller, Platform: Get Noticed in a Noisy World. I am also a professional blogger and public speaker and the Chairman of Thomas Nelson Publishers.
    When I was in a mid-level post at Thomas Nelson, I encountered exactly the same thing. It comes from fear. The best way to lead is to keep doing what you are doing. Refuse to criticize management or join in on the cynicism. Just keep showing the way.

  • Dale Melchin, CSR, Writer, Blogger, Aspiring thought leader.
    I appreciate that encouragement, Michael.  I definitely see that it is a fear factor.  Again, thank you!

  • Dan McCoy, I create value by helping you earn more revenue using technology
    These are awesome and identifiable.   One thing I think is key is do people find you infectious and want to follow you.   I've often wondered why people tend to congregate around me at conventions when I get yappin.   I never understood it until I asked someone and they told me because there is a certain passion that comes out when I get excited about something.   ( I am not saying this to pat myself on the back but merely to make a point)   My focus in most of these conversations is to ask a lot of questions of others to get them talking.   It's cool to see other people come out of their shell in the presence of energetic people.   PS - Just got back from Nashville.   4 Miles East end to West end in just over 8 min/mile.    Man those hills are brutal.   I am a flatlander.

  • Alan Kay, Change happens faster the Solution Focus way.
    Great list, thanks. It's interesting that in an increasingly
    complex and competitive world we can now use these ideas to make a difference.
    Leadership used to be hierarchical and largely one-dimensional. 

  • Alan Kay, Change happens faster the Solution Focus way.
    Great list, thanks. It's interesting that in an increasingly complex and competitive world we can now use these ideas to make a difference. Leadership used to be hierarchical and largely one-dimensional.

  • Sarah Kovac, A wife, mother, writer and sometimes-speaker. I do most things with my feet because of a disability called AMC. People find that intriguing. :)
    I agree with Dave Anderson... there must be people willing to follow. I think sometimes we can find that people are relating to us as a leader, and we have the choice whether to really accept the role or not.

  • Cheri Gregory, Christian speaker & writer, English teacher, Personality Trainer, wife of a teacher/pastor/musician, mother of two teens, servant to three psycho cats & one ADHD Keeshond. In my copious spare time, I love to shop, horseback ride, and scrapbook!
    I've worked with many students who felt they had no leadership potential (due to introverted natures, lack of position, etc.) but clearly had servant hearts.
    According to Robert Greenleaf, true leadership "begins with the natural feeling that one wants to serve, to serve first. Then conscious choice brings one to aspire to lead." 

  • Agreed. Serving is one of the best ways to lead.

  • Mark Goodrich
    wonderful! I love all 12 points best stuff on leadership I have read in a while...
    Id only add one point ... that he/she is able to Inspire others to dream and chnage the world.
    The role of leadership is
    to assist people in finding a cause and purpose to live for (inspiration) and
    to die for.  Then coach those people to
    find the ways that they are best suited to make a world of difference.

  • I try to do all of these, you put together a great list!  I love the asking questions. Curiosity is a great problem solving tool!

  • I like this list! It's much better than my own list which says who are you kidding? You can't make a difference because a) you're not a good enough writer b) you don't have a platform and c) you're not an on-the-ball person. Thanks for the encouragement.

  • Unfortunately, I use that same list, Barb. : )

  • Shannon Steffen, Human SEO™ Expert, Philosopher, Logical Artist, Founder of Excira Media, ECommerce Entrepreneur, Coach, Author, Speaker, Book Devourer, Dog Mom, Tea Lover
    Fully agree with every one of those ways! Brilliant!
    The one that I would add is that you value relationships more than you value money. Sure, we all need to pay our bills but when you go into a relationship with money on the brain, your focus is skewed.
    This is what annoys me most about so many other business professionals. They don't care about helping others be the best they can be because they cannot pay the big agency prices for those services. This is why I have an hourly rate and do pro-bono speaking/training to non-profit organizations (for their members - job seekers, etc.).
    My favorite client was a women who lost her job and decided to open her own dog training business. She could only pay for an hour of my time and I gave her the most golden strategies during that time. No other SEO/Social Media Strategy consultant/agency would even return her calls. In my mind, when her business becomes more of a success, she will think of me. It's the rule of "ten-fold". I don't do it with the money in mind - I just truly love to help others.
    Thanks again for an awesome post! This blog is one of those pieces of heavenly wisdom that fuels my fire.

  • Kellie Tipton
    I never thought I was a true leader or what I think a leader is...over the years I have been put into a leadership position and I have always thought that it was so funny because I don't see myself that way.  However, I agree with that entire list and see how I was placed into the position.  I love what I do and I think that makes all the difference when we take ownership.

  • jbledsoejr, Passion 4 Jesus, my wife, & my kids. Love learning, building businesses, & basketball. Into reading, fitness, technology & new media. Co-founder @wearforchange
    Great post!  Relationships over tasks can sometimes get overlooked.

  • Agreed. Relationships are very important.

  • John Friesen
    Much of this list is about 'value' and 'quality' as a leader not just being a leader - I started in leadership with many of these traits but over the past 15 years have realized that my role is not to dream but to be sensitive to the prompting of God's Spirit within me and then simply obey.  As much as I hate that sometimes and wish I could return to the days where I was visioning and dreaming and building teams... now it's become more of a walk of humble and sometimes humiliating obedience.  Many days I sure wish I wasn't a leader.  I'm astounded by the number of people I find itching to be leaders... if only they knew :).  Don't get me wrong - I find great joy in my role and in the people I lead but if it wasn't appointed to me to do this I likely would run far away from it.

  • Chris Jeub, Author, Blogger, Entrepreneur, Debate Coach, Business Coach, Family Man.
    Spot-on, Michael! I was sort of hesitant to read this list, thinking, "He's gonna reveal my faults...that I'm not a good leader." Then I read the list and thought, "Yeah, I can lead!"
    Very encouraging. Thanks for posting it.

  • TCAvey, I'm a Christian wife, mother and blogger. An aspiring author who is passionate about Christ, America, Politics and History. I love to read, drink coffee, spend time with family, play with animals and worship God.
    Really insightful and excellent points.   The only thing I would add is a leader is willing to do what many others are not- but that is basically just re-wording what is already said here.

  • I appreciate a leader that actually lives up to the name.  To lead you have to be in front and lead.  Not always physically, but in thought, motive, action, etc.
    I do not like so called leaders who would ask you to do something they would not be willing to do themselves.
    Although I do not agree with his religious beliefs, General George S. Patton was a prime example of this.
    He was a general that actually ran on the battlefield leading his troops while even being hit with a bullet.  He did not care for the generals or officers who would sit in their safe comfortable bunkers, ordering others to do something they would not do.
    General George S. Patton was a true leader, and his victories proved it.
    He once said:  "A piece of spaghetti or a military unit can only be led from the front end."

  • Jim Martin
    Good point Jonathan.  As a minister, I have to regularly ask myself similar questions as I preach and teach.  "How does my own life stand up next to what I just said?"  "Do I model what I am teaching them?"  "Will I go first?"

  • Jeff Randleman, husband, father, minister, writer.
    John Maxwell always says that leadership is influence. Asking yourself the question, "Who am I influencing?" can help you determine if you're a leader.

  • Jeff,
    I agree with Maxwell but I prefer to take it a step further.  I see leadership as an inherently positive term.  If you start with that view then there are people of influence who are not leaders (Hitler, Stalin, Bin Laden).
    Leadership is influence in a direction that is morally right and good.  Plain old influence just means you can get people to do stuff you want them to do.
    I am wary of saying anything is leadership unless there is a moral component to it.

  • Jeff Randleman, husband, father, minister, writer.
    I agree.  Leadership is influence.  But influence is not necessarily leadership.

  •  Jeff, glad to see I'm not the only one quoting John Maxwell here. :-)

  • Jeff Randleman, husband, father, minister, writer.

  • Randy Dignan, Christian, Husband, Father, Preacher, Aspiring Author, Motivational Speaker... Dr. Randy Dignan was a football star born with Deaf parents who started pastoring at 22. He has pastored the same church for almost 15 years and just built a new building. He speaks nationally and internationally to thousands of teenagers and in Deaf conferences each year and conducts a 30 minute weekly show on the CTN. He also does devotionals on CTN (Christian Television Network). He is an aspiring author and most of all is a happy husband of almost 15 years and proud father of three daughters and one son!
    Excellent read!!  I will add those questions to my regular self-analysis!  So necessary for me as a leader...  One other question I ask myself is...  Am I leading in a way that only leads followers or leads future leaders...?  I believe the difference is discerning empowering those that follow and not micro-managing too much...  Than ks again for the great read!

  • Jim Woods, Writer, dreamer, creative coach, guitarist and friend.
     I think leaders view things from a long-term perspective more so than a short-term perspective. Otherwise it is easy to feel like a firefighter, putting out the many fires that pop up.

  • Thanks for this. I'd like to add one counter-point that I've been thinking about lately. Over the last 10-15 years, the word "leader" has become virtually synonymous with "good," while the word "follower" is ignored and thus becomes associated with "not good."
    But, I'd like to suggest that we collectively would fail at everything -- e v e r y t h i n g -- without good followers.
    In reality, almost everyone has spheres of opportunity to be both a good leader and a good follower. So, I aspire to be a good leader and a good follower in the spheres that are presented to me.
    Be not afraid to lead; be not ashamed to follow. 

  • I agree, Lon. Following is important. Nobody can lead unless they have been a good follower.

  • I have a tried and true suggestion to your question Michael, "How else can you know if you're a leader?"  Take steps to show your passion and vision.  If others follow, then you are a leader.  If they don't,  partner with someone who is a known leader to get your passion and vision moving.

  • RayStrauss
    Michael, another wonderful post!  My staff and I are really looking forward to seeing you at Catalyst tomorrow.  Many of your articles have been extremely useful in our staff meetings. Thanks for all you do!

  • Adam Rico, Adam helps people feel fully alive by doing work they love.
    Great list Michael. I would add that often effective leaders have been tested and have sometimes failed in a big way. If they have pressed beyond the failure they become iconic. I.e. Abraham, Moses, Abraham Lincoln, Walt Disney, Steve Jobs etc. Love the list!

  • Jim Martin
    Good point Adam.  You are right, good leaders have often been test and have sometimes failed - even in a big way.  So many biblical characters, even people of great faith, at times failed.  This is encouraging to me.

  •  The obvious answer to what else is you have those who follow you. I don't remember the John Maxwell's exact quote but the gist was this: if you think you're a leader and no one's following, you're just taking a long walk.
    Mike, I appreciate the list because, when I question my leadership skills, I can see I'm on the right track based on your 12 insights. Thanks.

  • Dapi2ce
    Great, I agree with all

  • Bonnie Clark
    I think leaders require FOCUS.  They can't be easily distracted.  It is the ability to keep their eyes on the prize - to see the vision clearly - that pushes leaders through difficulties.  And if they can adequately COMMUNICATE this vision - make real to others what is purely conceptual in a leaders mind - then they can inspire others to follow.

  • Ristlin, I'm a writer and editor.
    "It’s about the choosing to lead." That's the crux of it. The defining characteristic of a leader. Reminds me of FDR and his four-term Presidency.

  • Daphne Delay, Author, Speaker. Forgiven and free. Proclaiming His righteousness to this generation!
    I say this cautiously because of the whole scenario of the "blind leading the blind" but I also believe a leader has followers. There seems to always be a "go-to" person in every group or organization... someone people gravitate towards for advice or wisdom. This is a sign of a leader (or at least one in the making, depending on how they handle it).

  • Thanks for this great list, Michael.  I will be sharing this with about 10 men that I meet with monthly.  It will be a great help and encouragement as we try to "sharpen" one another in our leadership. - Proverbs 27:17

  • Jim Martin
    This afternoon, I had virtually the same thought.  I, too,  am going to share this list with a group of guys who I meet with monthly as a mentoring group.  I think this list will be helpful.

  • LivewithFlair
    I am growing in the areas of 6 and 10. 
    Could you sometime write more about what it means for a leader to have significant influence without having to be in charge?  This is what I need to learn.  What helped you (0r others) in this area? 
    I love this list!  

  • Denise
    I would add: You have followers: loyal, inspired followers who do better work than they would without you as a leader. 

  • Agatha Nolen
    I too would agree with all 12. The only one I would add is that a Leader cares more about others than about himself. It translates into not only being a team player, but making others feel good about their contributions no matter how small or large.

  • Jim Martin
    Thank you Agatha for your suggestion.  Great point!  A good leader does care more about others than himself/herself.  If a leader is self-focused, it will eventually become apparent to those who follow.

  • A good leader can also be a good follower.
    Situations are fluid and if we put aside our egos we can be helpful on either end of the spectrum.

  • I love lists like this. They serve as evaluative tools to consider one's willingness to step into the fray of leadership. I'm learning that the first question a person must ask when considering leadership isn't: do I want to be a leader? Rather, the better question is: do I want to be responsible? That question is woven through many of the points in this list.

  • Molly Mahoney Matthews
    Leaders can see both sides of a conflict and listens long enough to propose solutions that deliver consensus.
    I'm new to your blog but find it valuable and "share-able" -- many thanks.

  • Jim Martin
    Welcome to Michael's blog, Molly!  So glad you are already finding it valuable.

  • Kelly Combs, Christian: Writer, Speaker, Wife, Mom, Leader.
    I believe temperament plays a major part in leadership. Some people are driven, while others are happy to coast. Leaders don't wait for something to happen. They make it happen.  Great list, Michael.

  • Kelly Combs, Christian: Writer, Speaker, Wife, Mom, Leader.
    P.S. I believe your list defines a GOOD leader. They are plenty of leaders, in leadership roles, who do not exemplify your list.  Hilter was a leader, and a powerful leader at that.  But he was not a good leader.


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