Saturday, May 4, 2013

The Seven Disciplines of Leadership Sustainability by Dave Ulrich

The Seven Disciplines of Leadership Sustainability


Leadership sustainability increases when leaders focus on a few key behaviors that have high impact. 

In my recent efforts to improve as a leader, to what extent did I prioritize what I should improve and focus only on a few key behaviors that I could improve? 

Question 2/7


Leadership sustainability increases when leaders put their desired behaviors into their calendar and monitor how well these behaviors show up in their time allocations. 

In my recent efforts to improve as a leader, to what extent did I translate my desired improvements into specific actions that showed up on my calendar and actually received my time and attention?

Question 3/7


Leadership sustainability increases when leaders are personally and publicly accountable for making change happen. 

In my recent efforts to improve as a leader, to what extent did I take personal responsibility for making the change happen by publicly declaring my intentions?

Question 4/7


Leadership sustainability increases when leaders support their desired changes with coaching and infrastructure. 

In my recent efforts to improve as a leader, to what extent did I find support to make my desired changes happen?

Question 5/7


Leadership sustainability increases when leaders measure their behaviors and results in specific ways. 

In my recent efforts to improve as a leader, to what extent did I create indicators to measure and track my progress on making the desired change happen?

Question 6/7


Leadership sustainability increases when leaders constantly improve by learning from mistakes and failures and demonstrating resilience. 

In my recent efforts to improve as a leader, to what extent did I reflect on what did or did not work and learn from both failures and successes?

Question 7/7


Leadership sustainability increases when leaders have a personal passion and emotion for the changes they need to make. 

In my recent efforts to improve as a leader, to what extent did I feel passionate about making the desired change because it was something I believed in and was consistent with my values?

Assessment Results

Total score: 23
You like to start things, but you get frustrated that they don't seem to happen as often as you would like.

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